It is now time to order trees and shrubs for planting in the spring of 2022. Order early for the best selection of trees and shrubs and to ensure availability. Landowners will be notified for pickup of trees in April. If you are interested in a full planting plan call and ask for Kelly at 320-634-5327. Fall and winter is a great time to plan for those spring projects.
Pope Soil and Water Conservation District (Pope SWCD) will be hosting a free water testing clinic Friday, August 6th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Pope County Fair. Bring your water sample to the Pope SWCD booth in the Industrial Building at the fairgrounds for a free nitrate analysis. To receive best results, collect a minimum of one-half cup of room temperature water in a clean container within two hours of testing.
Nitrogen exists in the environment in both organic and inorganic forms. When in its inorganic form, ammonium (NH4) or nitrate (NO3), it is an essential element to plants. However, when considering water quality, nitrogen becomes a concern when in its nitrate form. Excessive nitrate concentrations in groundwater can be hazardous to human and environmental health. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set 10 mg/L as the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for nitrate-nitrogen in drinking water. The Minnesota Department of Health recommends that private wells receive nitrate testing at least once every two to three years. If nitrates have been previously detected or if an infant under six months will be consuming the water, testing should be conducted more frequently.
Nitrates most commonly enter groundwater through leaching or draining. Because nitrate does not attach to soil particles, it is easily moved by water. Therefore, as water filters through the soil, so do present nitrates. Some primary factors that have an effect on nitrogen leaching include: nitrogen rate, application timing, nitrogen sources, irrigation practices, age of site, and soil texture. The contamination can result from both anthropogenic (human caused) and natural sources. Although both can lead to hazardous conditions, it is often anthropogenic sources that force nitrate concentrations into dangerous levels. These sources include but are not limited to: fertilizer application, manure storage, and sewage disposal. There are available treatments used to rehabilitate contaminated water. However, prevention of nitrogen loss is the favored method in reducing nitrate concentrations in groundwater.
Rosholt Field Day Set for August 19th
Pope SWCD Board Meeting November 16, 2021
The Pope SWCD Board of Supervisors will meet at their monthly meeting time on November 16, 2021 at 7 a.m. at the USDA Service Center at 1680 Franklin Street North, Glenwood, MN 56334. The pandemic declaration has now expired in Minnesota however USDA has a COVID-19 Screening upon entry. We ask that if you are a member of the public and are planning to attend the meeting to notify the District Manager by calling 320-634-5327 or by email at to complete the COVID screening. If you arrive at the meeting without priori notice you will be presented with COVID questionnaire prior to entry. There will not be a virtual option per the Minnesota Open Meeting Law requirements now that the Emergency Declaration has expired.
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