Landowners that have placed a tree order with the Pope SWCD can pick up their trees on the following days and times.
Friday, April 21st 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 22nd 8:00 a.m. to Noon
Please pay by check if possible or settle up your balance before the tree pick up day. All landowners who ordered will receive a statement in the mail within the next week or so.
The tree pickup location will be held at the Kelly Erickson Farm west of Starbuck on Hwy 28. The address is: 33125 State Hwy 28, Starbuck, MN 56381.
Please note: Trees and shrubs are bare root unless you ordered potted. You will want to plant your trees as soon as you can to ensure the best survival of the trees/shrubs. The tree/shrub roots will need to be kept moist until planting.
You will be notified if there are changes to the pickup day. Please arrange to pick up your trees/shrubs at these scheduled times. If you cannot make arrangements to pick up your trees during these times then please contact our office at 320-634-5327.
Kelly Erickson, Technician
Pope Soil and Water Conservation District