Download Postcard | The purpose of this meeting is to present the North Fork Crow River Watershed One Watershed One Plan (1W1P) process and to gather information on local water management priorities. The 1W1P will affect water management within 13 local units of government. A planning work-group consisting of affected local units of government was created in early 2015 to structure and initiate the planning process. Your organization has been identified as a “local stakeholder” for this planning process. The meeting will be held on Monday, November 2, 2015 at 4:30 PM at the Wright County Courthouse, 10 2nd St NW, Buffalo MN 55313. Please join us in-person and/or online for a public meeting and Q&A session.
Access the meeting via live web stream visit
Can’t make it the day of the meeting, a recording will be posted and questions can be sent within 21 days following the meeting date to . Additional details regarding the North Fork 1W1P can be found on the Crow River Organization of Water’s website: